Monday, June 27, 2011


A reminder of what you could bring.....

Pitts - Drinks
Doughty - Crisps
Blunt - Savoury nacks
Palgrave- cakes, biscuits

 board games for a bit of light entertainment...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Word King - Who will recall the most words and meanings?

nelipot - someone who walks without shoes
agelast - someone who never laughs
gongoozler - someone who justs watches anything
meldrop -  ?
napiform - looks like a turnip
jentacular - something to do with breakfast
sciapodous - ridiculously large feet
witzelsucht - someone who is rubbish at being funny
spondulicks - American slang for money
yeuk - an old Scottish word for an itch
frowzy - ?
eesome - something nice to look at
puckeroo - useless
scuttlebut - a gossiper
spanghew - to make a frog or a toad fly through the air
Cruelty to animals is not allowed

Come on Ma, it's the 80's!