Saturday, April 30, 2011

Revision tips

As the end of Year6 get closer, start to focus in on where you need to practise the most.

Start drawing up a revision timetable. Follow these tips:
  • Revise the subjects you find most challenging first;
  • Plan in time to relax as well as to work;
  • Use colour to separate subjects (it looks pretty!);
  • Try your hardest to stick to your timetable and reward yourself for hard work.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We are looking at the idea of personification in literacy

Coastal erosion

On the map you should be able to spot :
  • bays
  • headlands
  • shingle beaches
  • stacks
  • cliffs
Can you find any examples of this coastal feature on Goole Earth or Google maps?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What we know about light so far....

Light comes from a source
electric light
glow worm
fire fly stars
Things that are not sources of light
shiny objects
Light has 3 important properties
1. Light travels in straight lines from a source to our eyes

2.  If something is in the way then a shadow is formed
3 Light travels very fast - 186,000 miler per second
How do we see objects that aren't sources of light ?
When light touches an object some things happen -
  • black surfaces absorb light
  • very shiny surfaces reflect light
  • other surfaces scatter light
Labels for your diagram

  1. Light travels from the light source in all directions
  2. Some light touches an object
  3.  Light is scattered from the object in all directions
  4. Some light is scattered into our eyes - we see the object


1.    How does light travel?

2.   What word do we use to describe where light comes from?

3.   When light hits an object, what are the three things that can happen?

   4.   Explain how we see things

Draw and label a diagram, including these things: 
eye/person, light beam, light source, object, light ray bouncing off the object

Codes and cars - Logic work

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

If ...

   2 28 40                      means ANT

 50 10 24 24 30  46      means YELLOW

What do the following mean?

a)  36  2   4   4   18   40

b)  34   42   10    10   28

c)   24   10   26    30    28

If a car is travelling at 30mph how far will it go in 10 minutes?

10   miles?
30   miles?
5     miles
8     miles?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There are 3 activities about coasts to have a look at in your own time

Let me know how you get on

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Don't forget to have a look at at the revision ideas posted earlier in the blog. There are some links to look at too.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our new science topic is all about are some fun optical illusions to do with light and colour..what happens?

                                            Can you see anything moving?

Move your head closer to the picture