Sunday, June 2, 2013

Investigating methods of division

We have been investigating dividing using the chunking method. It's a good job we know all out x tables !

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Skullduggary in Year4.....

Stop metacarpelling on......

I've got a bone to pick with you......

Colour Mixing in Year 4

We created different shades of secondary colours by mixing primary colours.
Check out the fininished art work in our classroom..!!

Goodbye Year6

Have a good trip to Year 7 and work hard - See ya'all


Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Year - New class - New classroom, End of Term !!

We have been looking at different fiction genres this term and discussing our favourite authors and how they make their writing exciting and their books compelling reading!! Can you remember how to make your writing exciting?

Monday, June 27, 2011


A reminder of what you could bring.....

Pitts - Drinks
Doughty - Crisps
Blunt - Savoury nacks
Palgrave- cakes, biscuits

 board games for a bit of light entertainment...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Word King - Who will recall the most words and meanings?

nelipot - someone who walks without shoes
agelast - someone who never laughs
gongoozler - someone who justs watches anything
meldrop -  ?
napiform - looks like a turnip
jentacular - something to do with breakfast
sciapodous - ridiculously large feet
witzelsucht - someone who is rubbish at being funny
spondulicks - American slang for money
yeuk - an old Scottish word for an itch
frowzy - ?
eesome - something nice to look at
puckeroo - useless
scuttlebut - a gossiper
spanghew - to make a frog or a toad fly through the air
Cruelty to animals is not allowed